Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin is no Hillary Clinton -- she's better

Outstanding answer to Lowell Greenbaum appeared in the Augusta Chronicle today. Click on the title above and you can read the letter and all the comments.

Palin is no Hillary Clinton -- she's better

Letter to the Editor

Saturday, September 06, 200851

The letter written by Lowell Greenbaum ("Choice of Sarah Palin is truly appalling," Sept. 5) is in fact much more appalling than the nomination of Palin as vice president.

When you compare Sara Palin to Barack Hussein Obama, here's what you find. Palin was a city council member, mayor and now governor of Alaska. Obama was an organizer in the Chicago slums, a state senator and now a U.S. senator. Actually, Palin has more executive experience to be president than Obama.

Palin fought corruption and won. Obama joined corruption in Chicago, getting millions of dollars in grants for his friend Tony Rezko. While Palin would fight terrorism, Obama befriended terrorist William Ayers, who bombed our Capitol and numerous banks in the 1960s. Palin would fight communism, while Obama admits, in his book, that his childhood mentor was a communist named Frank Davis. There is also Obama's adult mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who for 20 years has preached racism, bigotry and a hatred of America to Obama and his family.

While Palin has no military service, I defy Mr. Greenbaum to tell us what branch of the service Obama served in. And, when it comes to looking Vladimir Putin in the eye, I'd rather it was the "barracuda" than the "capitulator."

In the final analysis, Mr. Greenbaum is right-- Palin is no Hillary Clinton. She's much better, and as far as Obama is concerned, the only thing he is qualified to run is his mouth.

Peter J. Seaha

Aiken, S.C.

From the Saturday, September 06, 2008 edition of the Augusta Chronicle

1 comment:

  1. AND, don't forget, amoung other abuses, Obama secured lots of earmarked funds for his wife's employer while her salary there tripled. Sound legit? No way, no how, NOBAMA!
