Saturday, September 13, 2008

Congressman Don Young on Oil and ANWR


  1. This sets out the crude oil issue. This nation's lack of will on the issue has to be addressed and pdq..

    The jacking up of gasoline prices due to Ike, makes it essential to build new refineries out of the reach of hurricanes.

  2. Every American needs to see this and get on their congressmen about the fact his bill was not passed! Our Congress is a disgrace!

    Forward this to everyone, even your elected officials. DEMAND ACTION, NOW!

    This video from CONGRESS is an eye opener, FOLKS! IT'S GONNA KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF!!!

    The MEDIA did NOT tell us about this speech in Congress!

  3. Is Rep. Young going to put in his bill that any and all the oil from ANWR can only be sold in the United States? That the oil companies cannot sell any of the oil to foreign nations?

  4. Why should there be any limitation? Oil is fungible and it is a world market. Producing more in the US would decrease our net outlay for oil regardless of where it is sold.

  5. I thought the idea of drill, baby, drill was to gain oil independence from foreign oil.
