Monday, September 1, 2008

Non-Partisan City Election Sept. 9

University of South Carolina Professor Bob Botsch had a good guest column in the Aiken Standard layingout arguments against moving to the non-partisan election method for Aiken. While I might quibble with a few of his arguments I believe overall that he has reached the right conclusion
I have opposed non-partisan elections in the past but supported council's decision to hold a referndum this year so that the voters can have their say.

1 comment:

  1. I think we all like to believe in the democratic participatory process.

    So long as the local political Town Committees act as election candidate "gate-keepers", many more much more qualified candidates will be passed-up for the "good old boy" instead.

    Too many local political parties make party control the top priority over the good of the community second. Except for the bragging rights, nobody wins.

    DN Connecticut
