Monday, February 2, 2009

Obama goes back on many promises

The following letter from Mary Beth Seaha was published in the Augusta Chronicle today and it has elicited many comments. To read the article and comments go here.
Letter to the Editor

Monday, February 02, 2009235
Voters wanted change and elected President Obama. Apparently the change is that he can change his mind within days of making promises and statements he clearly didn't mean.

- Obama promised he would veto any legislation that contained pork. The stimulus bill, which Obama supports, is loaded with pork.

- Obama promised he would not hire any lobbyists to work in his administration. To date, Obama has hired 20 lobbyists.

- Obama has said repeatedly that we have to put aside partisan differences and work together to solve the challenges facing our country. Within hours of lecturing others, the president attacked a conservative radio talk show host and made fun of Fox News to a roomful of congressional Republicans. It's hard to imagine a more undignified or partisan attack on the opposition party. Maybe we were naive to believe Obama meant he would practice tough diplomacy with our nation's enemies, not on Republicans.

- In May 2008, Obama said "We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times and then just expect that other countries are going to say okay. That's not leadership." So you can imagine my surprise when I read in the Jan. 29 New York Times: "The Capitol flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat." Mr. Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod, said: "He's from Hawaii, OK? He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there."

And so another politician joins the ranks of those who have a "do as I say, not as I do" mentality.

Mary Beth Seaha, Aiken, SC.

From the Monday, February 02, 2009 edition of the Augusta Chronicle

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