Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The "Stimulus" Bill

The so-called stimulus bill is moving forward. I fear for our children.
“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money”     
Alexis de Tocqueviille 1835


  1. Within 2 weeks Obama has broken more campaign promises than some presidents break in 4 years.

    Obama promised transparency but snuck in a nationalized healthcare provision into the Porkulous plan. Most Americans don't even know about this and the legislation itself says it will effect every single American.

    He promised no more backroom deals but yesterday Democrats in Congress met behind closed doors. They refused to let any Republicans in the room and they refused to permit the proceedings to be televised.

    He promised that he would put all legislation on the WH web site for 5 days prior to signing the legislation. But he signed the Lily Ledbetter legislation without keeping that promise. He has also signed more laws into being through executive order than any other president has done in their first few weeks in office. How is that transparent and open?

    Obama promised no pork but the bill is loaded with it.

    He promised any Stimulus plan would be targeted and temporary but the new healthcare czar is a permanent position which costs more than the Army, Navy, Marine Corp and Air Force all together. There are also 32 other government programs created in this lousy bill; who will get rid of them? No one. So they aren't temporary.

    He promised no lobbyists but his cabinet is loaded with them.

  2. As of last night, even Blue Dog Democrats were complaining they didn't have a copy of the bill which is now in excess of 1,400 pages. They are supposed to vote on the bill today.

    Even the bill itself says that before a final vote is taken the legislation will be posted online for 48 hours. Apparently the Democrats can't keep their word for even 24 hours.
