Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jim Wetzel urges Phonebanking for McCain

Dear friends,

I received the following email from Jim Wetzel and I urge you to follow his example. This election is very close and we all need to do everything we possibly can. Please follow the link in Jim's message and sign up. Our country cannot afford to have Obama and a Democrat controlled congress. I apologize to any of you who may prefer Obama. I don't know for sure who you are so I am mailing this to my entire list.

Dick Smith


“I have gotten satisfaction in doing something grass roots and effective by joining the McCain campaign phone bank. Click on this link http://www.johnmccain.com/dashboard and then select the phone bank button:to sign up.

After enrolling you will complete instructions for making calls to voters in a selection of states (I have selected North Carolina). The names and tel #s are served up one at a time in batches of 20 with a script for both calls and messages, and an after inquiry as to the outcome of the call. It is a neat self contained program. I have AT&T unlimited long distance so I don't have cost problem but they do have a link for getting you on to a paid for call program.

It would be great if we could get Republican Club members to join in. Everything to keep Obama out of the White House.

Have you wondered why Michelle Obama has been taken off the campaign trail? Ponder it.

OK? I have to make some calls.”

Jim Wetzel


  1. Michelle Obama taken off the campaign trail? Gee, Ms. Obama was in Ft.Wayne, IN on Oct 15, Pittsburgh on Oct 16, Miami and Pensacola on Oct 21, and on Oct 24 she will be filling in for her husband while he is with his ailing grandmother at two previously scheduled events in Columbus and Akron, OH.
    Oh, and while you are making your calls, ask your callers how they feel about their RNC contributions that may have paid for Ms. Palin's $100,000.00 wardrobe, hair and makeup.

  2. oh, my mistake, Palin's wardrobe, hair and makeup was $150,000.00 (average of $18,000/wk). Makes John Edwards $400 haircut look like a bargain.

  3. My own unscientific observation is that Michelle Obama has not been seen very often on the campaign trail with her husband.Even the schedule you describe above does not seem as intensive as the other candidates.

    Governor Sarah Palin's wardrobe is the property of the RNC and will be donated to charity when the campaign is over. With several stops a day wardrobe changes must be made.

    Has anyone checked on Michelle Obama's wardrobe or is that irrelevant? The Obamas are definitely members of the financial elite with millions in reported annual income. It is likely Michelle already had an extensive wardrobe more than sufficient for her less demanding schedule.

  4. Would you care to compare the incomes of the Obama family and the McCain family? McCain owns 7 houses and 11 automobiles. Obama owns 1 house and 1 vehicle. Who's the elitist?
    McCain certainly knew what was doing for his financial situation when he dumped his first wife for the beer distribution queen.

  5. Hey Anon. Same old tired stuff.Always changing the subject. You were complaining about Sarah Palin's wardrobe not Cindy McCains. I agree with the previous anon. It is likely that Michelle Obama already had a suitable wardrobe. That is also true of Cindy McCain and Mrs. Biden.

    Your comparison of properties reminded me that the 1 Obama house has a neat underpriced lot next door that was provided to the Obamas in a sweetheart deal by Tony Rezko. Just common sleazy Chicago politics but with the help of Acorn they are spreading to the entire country. I was raised in the Chicago area and remember too well the old joke about Mayor Daley urging citizens to "vote early and often." It's happening in many states and everyone who refuses to acknowledge the facts should be ashamed.

  6. Gosh, I can see the Palin bashers have forgotten that when Al Gore ran for office the DNC paid for Naomi Wolf to "dress" him. She decided he needed to wear earth colors (a fact I used in my election party invitation when discussing the dress code for my guests).

  7. I am chuckling at the poster who mentioned Edwards $4,000 haircut and thinking it was a "bargain". Oops. Apparently they've forgotten that Edwards used campaign funds to pay the mistress of his illegitimate baby.

  8. Peach - drop a zero off the haircut, it was $400. And do you really want to go into sex scandals with politicians? Think current Senators Vitters and Craig.
