Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ten New Reasons Why Obamacare Can Still be Killed

Phyllis Schlafly has shed light on some important provisions that are in the Obamacare package. To read her column which appears on go here. We must spread this information far and wide. Please send the link to your friends.

UPDATE- Human Events has an interesting article on the constitutionality of Obama's actions. To read go here


  1. The health care bill seems clearly unconstitutional.

    A right to privacy underlies landmark Supreme Court decisions starting with Griswold v Connecticut in 1965 and Roe v Wade in 1973.

    The Supreme Court ruled that we were entitled to a constitutionally mandated zone of personal privacy that must be free of government regulation and that our most intimate and personal choices are central to dignity and autonomy and protected by the Fourteenth Amendment.


  2. I sure hope the more moderate democrats realize what a mess they are creating.
