Monday, December 21, 2009

Healthcare Message from John McCain

We Have Just Begun to Fight

Please show your support for those who oppose the Democrats' health care bill.

My Friend,

Early this morning at 1am, the Senate voted 60 to 40 in favor of moving the Democrats' health care bill forward. The final vote to pass the bill is scheduled for Christmas Eve, and I pledge to you that I will not only continue to cast my vote against this bill, but will actively fight it every step along the way.

Democrats have used Bernie Madoff-style accounting to assess the cost of health care reform. And when this bill becomes law, the reality of higher taxes and Medicare cuts for seniors will settle in on the American public.

President Obama made a promise when he campaigned for president to sit down and negotiate health care reform with Republicans and Democrats. He also promised C-SPAN cameras would be in the room. But, that was all campaign rhetoric. This disastrous health care bill was negotiated behind closed doors and Republicans were never brought into the negotiations.

The result is a health care bill supported by 60 Democratic Senators, but opposed by 60% of the American public.

My friend, we must resolve today to do everything in our power to continue fighting against the government takeover of our health care system. My fellow Republican Senators and I have done everything in our power to stop this legislation, but the reality is that Democrats have 60 seats in the Senate and we have 40 seats. I'm turning to you, as a voter and constituent, to exercise your power today.

Every vote in the Senate is critical to stopping legislation like this health care bill and that is why Country First PAC is dedicated to supporting and electing candidates to office who share our values. Your support for Country First is crucial to our efforts on these candidates' behalf, so I ask you follow this link to make a contribution to Country First today.

I will always honor every promise I make to you. And today, I promise that I will continue my fight against this health care reform bill until the very end. I thank you for your support along the way and look forward to continuing our work towards real government reform.


John McCain
Chairman, Country First PAC

P.S. We have just begun to fight, my friend. I will continue to stand up for the American people who do not support the Democrats' health care reform bill. And I need your help to support candidates who join me in opposition to these policies. Please follow this link today to make a generous donation that will help Country First PAC financially support candidates across the country who will work towards real government reform. Thank you.


Paid for by Country First PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee

1 comment:

  1. Our world is truly being turned upside down. We must continue to fight.Please do your part.
