Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On the road to destruction?

 The following excellent letter appears in the Aiken Standard today. Check out the mostly stupid comments on line here
On the road to destruction?

President Obama promised to unite the country and the world and to provide the most transparent administration in history. Americans were deceived because since his election, he has scorned our allies, broken promises to Eastern Europe and negotiations with drug companies and health insurance industry have been behind closed doors.

Obama rushed through the stimulus bill with such speed even congressional Democrats admitted they didn't read it before signing it.

He promised that the stimulus bill would prevent unemployment from surpassing 8 percent and save our economy. Instead, the current unemployment rate is 9.8 percent nationally and rising. Unemployment in the African-American community is even worse and tops 25 percent in many large cities. Obama's economic adviser, Christine Rohmer, said recently that we've seen all the benefit we're going to see from the stimulus package. If that's the case, why don't they return the 80 percent of the stimulus money that hasn't been spent to the American taxpayer?

The economy is still floundering and should commercial real estate foreclosures hit the economy in early 2010, America may slip into a depression. In addition, a recent report by the Associated Press indicates that the Obama administration has deceived Americans by claiming that the stimulus saved or created many more jobs than it actually has. The Associated Press progress report on Obama's economic recovery plan found that jobs were overestimated by thousands and that the number of jobs saved or created were counted two and sometimes four times while other jobs were credited to stimulus spending when none were produced.

The Obama administration governs by deception. They've lied about the stimulus, they've lied about the health care reform bill and cap and trade bill, which will increase taxes for all Americans and further damage what is left of our economy.

They've lied about the profits earned by financial, insurance and drug companies. They've lied about permanently defunding ACORN. Democrats are considering extending the defunding through Dec. 31, but won't permanently defund ACORN. In addition, the Democrat controlled Congress is looking for a "must pass" bill to which they want to attach a deficit increase amendment which will allow them to increase our national debt from the current $11 trillion to $13 trillion.

In short, there is little or nothing about the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress which Americans can believe, except that we, as a nation, are on the road to destruction while being told one lie after another. s

Peter J. Seaha


1 comment:

  1. The Alinsky Playbook for Stupid People is on display with most of the posts on that article. Demonize the opponent. The hard left never can use facts because they don't have any, only their uninformed opinions
