Monday, May 11, 2009

Letter of Amends from a Recovering Liberal in Berkeley

There follows the first part of a letter printed in American To read the entire letter go here

Letter of Amends from a Recovering Liberal in Berkeley
By Robin
Dear friends, family, loved ones, conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, my brother in law, Sam, and my cousin Joe: I am sorry and you were right.These are not easy words for anyone to utter, much less a leftist from Berkeley, or a recovering leftist, that is. Even though I've been in recovery for 14 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days, leftists are always right in your face, in an I-hate-you-if-you-disagree sort of way. Hence, this letter of amends to all the people I've lectured, scolded, ranted and raved at, and otherwise annoyed during my 30 plus years of "progressive" politics.My... (Read Full Article)

1 comment:

  1. We're watching a democratic party that most older voters don't even recognize anymore.

    John Kennedy must be rolling in his grave. He believed we should ask what we could do for out country, not what the country could do for us. He believed in a strong national defense and lower taxes. He would be appalled at the crudeness of the left and that the left is even DISCUSSING censoring talk radio. The fact that this is even seriously considered by Congressional democrats is appalling.

    At the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday night Obama made the most crude joke I've ever heard a president make in public. This isn't the first time he's used gutter language and, sadly, it won't be the last.
