Sunday, May 10, 2009

Council Update

THURSDAY NIGHTS AT THE FARMER’S MARKET – Beginning May 28th, the Farmer’s market will be open from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

WEB SITE IMPROVEMENTS – Wes Funderberg continues to improve our City website, When you visit the homepage, you will see that a dropdown menu has been added to the Home, Residents, Business, Visitors, and Government bars at the top.

HOPELAND CONCERT SERIES – The Monday evening summer concerts have begun at Hopeland Gardens. The Aiken Standard usually publishes information in the Monday edition about the evening performance. Lisa Hall of the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Department does an excellent job in coordinating these concerts.

SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO REVISE CONCEPT PLAN TO ALLOW TRAILERS AT 1310 EAST PINE LOG ROAD – The Boot, Bridles, and Britches store would like to revise their Concept Plan drawing to allow storage of up to three trailers behind their building. The trailers would be used to store hay and wood chips and would be parked no closer than 20 feet from the building.

SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICES, INC. University Health Services is asking for approval to build one 17,000 one-story building on their property on Silver Bluff Road. The building would be located close to Silver Bluff road. Since they are asking to build only one building, most of the traffic concerns discussed during their prior application have been significantly reduced. At last Council meeting, I again raised concerns about traffic at this location. Silver Bluff Road, without this project, will be at LOS F by 2015. Level of Service F describes operations with high delay values that often occur with over-saturation. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. I assume that the phrase “high delay values” means highly congested traffic flow. No doubt the planned improvement at the intersection of Silver Bluff and Daugherty Road will help traffic at that intersection, but the fact remains that planned traffic along Silver Bluff Road will still be too congested. The Traffic Study also states that the intersection of Silver Bluff Road at Town Creek will be LOS E progressing to LOS F even without the University project. The traffic study assumes 1% growth.

EXPANSION OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN STUDY AREA – At our recent joint meeting with the Planning Commission, we reviewed recommendations by the Planning Commission to expand the Comprehensive Plan Study Area. Generally, the City’s comprehensive plan area should match the City’s water district line unless there is good reason for a different boundary. They also felt that the Comprehensive Plan area should expand further to the east. This would include the water district area behind Rudy Mason parkway and a large portion of the area between Toolbeck Road and U. S. 78. I expect we will approve the recommendations of the Planning Commission although I am not comfortable with expanding into areas not currently controlled by the City without citizen input.

FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO SET THE MILLAGE RATE OF THE YEAR 2009-2010 – Every year the Council sets the millage rate. It has not increased in 21 consecutive years, assuming tonight’s approval to retain the current rate. This is largely caused by the steady growth the City of Aiken has experienced and excellent management of city funds. In fact over the years, the millage rate has reduced on five separate occasions including last year when it was reduced from 71 mills to the current 66 mills. This outstanding record has occurred despite recent revenue losses during these economic times and the loss of revenues from reduced telecommunication and vehicle taxes amounting to well over $1 million every year.

FIRST READING OF AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE A BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2009-2010 – Each year City Council adopts a budget for the City of Aiken representing the policies and goals for the city’s upcoming year. It should not surprise residents to know that we are facing difficult times. Our revenues are projected to be lower than last year with Building Permits down 55%, State revenues down 27%, Interest Earned on Investments down 73%, Vehicle Taxes down 11%, and Business License Fees down 8%. All of this represents a decrease of $1.8 million in revenue. Nonetheless, the City Manager has done an outstanding job of preparing a budget without recommending a tax increase at this time. Some programs have been reduced, hiring delayed, travel expenses reduced, and some maintenance items reduced. Capital purchases have been delayed saving $800,000 and $640,000 has been shifted from Reserve Funds. Depending on water usage, a rate increase may be imposed later in the year.

APPROVAL OF DEED OF DEDICATION FOR SANITARY SEWER LINES AND EASEMENTS IN WOODSIDE PLANTATION – Council will consider accepting deeds of dedication for sewer lines and easements in Phase 3, Sections 8A, 9A, and 14 and Phase 4 Sections 1-6. Staff has recommended approval of this item.

APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION AGENDA – At a recent joint meeting with the Planning Commission, Council agreed on the following Action Agenda for the Planning Commission:

1. Possible expansion of the Comprehensive Plan study area.
2. Open Space Element
3. Expand the Old Aiken Overlay to the northeast and northwest quadrants of the City
4. Evaluate the need for Zoning Ordinance amendments to possibly limit the intensity of development on large tracts in the horse-training and historic areas.
5. Possible amendments to the Zoning Ordinance regarding inoperable vehicles at commercial locations.
6. Review Old Aiken Master Plan status.
7. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance to address issues that have arisen since its adoption in 1999.
8. Review definition of “family” in the Zoning Ordinance.

MISCELLANEOUS – If you know someone who would like to receive this email, please ask them to send their email address to me at


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