Monday, April 6, 2009

White House Declares Copyright Treaty State Secret

Downloading supports terrorism apparently

Still waiting for change you can believe in? Well, believe this: the White House just declared an intellectual property treaty a state secret and denied Freedom of Information Act requests asking that it reveal the details of an international treaty that could have huge effects on how information is disseminated online.
More at link...


  1. From the article:

    If Obama is to make good on his promise of transparency, he needs to reverse the Bush Adminstration’s leftover Trade Rep.’s decree of state secrets and let the public see what’s in this legislation. It’s not so secret they haven’t let every developed nation and entertainment company in the world in on it.

  2. Does this neocon garbage keep you up at night...lmao...

  3. Bruce - what does your post even mean? Are you denying the validity of the reporting? Posts like yours offer very little but insults.
