Saturday, April 4, 2009

Powerline Has it right again

 Powerful observations from Powerline. Please read the entire piece. Just follow the link:

Politics at the water's edge, Obama-style

April 4, 2009 Posted by Scott at 4:00 PM
Once upon a time Republican Sen. Arthur Vandenberg forcefully articulated the proposition that "politics stops at the water's edge." The year was 1952, President Truman was in office and America was at war. Daniel Henninger has observed that Vandenberg's point was, as he put it, "to unite our official voice at the water's edge so that America speaks with maximum authority against those who would divide and conquer us." In recent years, Henninger commented, we have had the opposite -- a domestic political war waged relentlessly at the water's edge.
Barack Obama's criticism of America before a French audience takes this approach to a new level. He is after all the president of the United States. Obama nevertheless passed judgment on the United States and found America wan


  1. It's unfortunate that more Obama supporters won't take the time to actually read this thoughtful article but apparently their historical amnesia is the drug that feeds their anger at Republicans so the facts no longer matter to them.

    As Charles Krauthammer noted the other day, listening to Obama tell Europeans that we Americans need to be more humble was a little difficult to stomach coming from a man who had Greek columns at his little party.

  2. As of now, the U.S. President will show “arrogance”, and be “dismissive, even derisive” towards Americans instead of foreigners.

  3. The news media are finding it very difficult to say anything of substance about this President. So, they're left with the fluffy stories about fashion and gifts, etc.

    Anytime they stray across the line and report something of substance, like the mortgage bailout, or the "dream" of nuclear disarmament, they risk starting a revolt. So they leave stories about tea parties, "truth" squads, ACORN background, corporate connections to Obama, skyrocketing national debt, locking up our energy resources, coming tax increases, etc, unspoken.
