Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 10, City Council Meeting

DOUGHERTY CONNECTOR ROAD TO WAL-MART – At the last City Council meeting on October 20 our City Manager advised that the contract to complete the long-awaited connector road between Dougherty Road and Wal-Mart has been awarded. The work should be completed in late 2009.

FINANCE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR RETIREMENT – Anita Lilly, our award-winning Finance Department Director since September 3, 1985, has announced her retirement effective January 29, 2009. Anita has led her department to achieve Certificates of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting every year since 1992. Her accomplishments also include annual reports with no comments from our auditing firm. She has been instrumental in implementing our computer technology systems beginning in 1987. We wish Anita well as she completes her City service to enjoy her well-earned retirement.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN REVIEW – Planning Commission Chairman Bill Reynolds has reported back on the Commission’s review of the Aiken Comprehensive Plan. Our plan was amended regarding the South and Southeast sections of the City in 2002 and 2003. Under state law, these plans are required to be reviewed every five years. The Planning Commission review revealed no need for any changes to this section of the Comprehensive Plan at this time. In the coming months, the Planning Commission anticipated making other recommendations to Council regarding open space areas, items required under the state Priority Investment Act and an update of certain socioeconomic information.

CITY PAVING SCHEDULE – Paving has now started in the Trail Ridge/Bellreive area and should be completed soon.

PRESERVE AMERICA GRANT – The City of Aiken is one of 44 cities across the country to receive a grant from the National Park Service under its Federal “Preserve America” Program. This $20,000 grant will be used toward our city’s continuing historic preservation efforts. The NPS considered 119 applications, so our selection is a welcome recognition of our local preservation efforts.

APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS – I am pleased to announce the appointment of Pat Andringa to the Arts Commission. She replaces Mary Ellen Krippner who recently resigned. I want to thank Mary Ellen for her long service to the Arts Commission and with Pat well. Pat is no stranger to the Arts Community having been involved in one way or another for over twenty years. I sincerely appreciate people like Pat and Mary Ellen who are willing to serve their community.

I have also reappointed Pete Seaha to the Planning Commission. Pete has served admirably in his position and has proven to be a valuable asset to the Planning Commission.

ABANDONED VEHICLES – We will consider under first reading an ordinance to deal with abandoned vehicles. This program is similar to one found in Anderson that deals with inoperable vehicles. It involves the owners selling the vehicle to the City for $75. In turn, the City will take these vehicles to a recycling center. The program has been very successful in the City of Anderson during the past three years and has resulted in the removal of 220 vehicles through this buyout program. This is the kind of program which will improve the neighborhoods in our city.

HOUNDSLAKE GOLF COURSE - Many of you know that Houndslake Country Club has announced plans to close the Laurel golf course effective December 31, 2008. I have been working with Houndslake North volunteers to study the issue and report to residents on options available. We hope to soon disseminate information to materially help the 265 residents near the Laurel golf course make whatever decision is in their best interests. I expect the Aiken Standard to continue to cover this issue.


  1. FYI: It's DOUGHERTY, and WAL-MART. Not being chippy. Just letting you know.

  2. These people don't like Wal-Mart however you want to spell it or the people who shop and work there. But if it was a White Castle causing the traffic, it would be perfectly fine.

  3. Apparently anonymous harbors ill feelings for Northerners who have contributed so much to Aiken for many years. Can't we all just get along?

  4. What does the golf course have to do with Aiken City Council? If you are unsure; NOTHING!
