Friday, November 14, 2008



-- The following e-mail comes from one of our sponsoring advertisers. Through their support, GOPUSA can continue to bring you the best array of conservative news, information, commentary, and discussions.

"Fellow Conservative --
They're coming.
Right now, the liberal attack machine --, Big Labor and more -- is pouring millions of dollars into Georgia.

In 18 days, Georgians will head to the polls in our critical runoff elections.
And liberals want to hand Barack Obama a blank check.

With all that hangs in the balance ... liberal-activist Supreme Court justices, massive tax hikes on families and small businesses, a backbreaking 25% cut to our military, censorship of conservative talk radio and outrageous paybacks to Big Labor bosses ...

... We must stop them.

Please donate $36 today -- just $2 a day until the runoff elections -- to stop the liberals from getting one step closer to total control of our government.Please Donate

Time is of the essence so please help us today!

Thanks for your support,

Senator Saxby Chambliss

P.S. Your immediate contribution will mean the difference between us responding to nasty liberal attacks ads or allowing the Democrats to push their liberal message with no response. Please contribute $36 today to fight back.

Make a DonationPlease Donate Today

Paid for by the Chambliss Victory Committee, a joint fundraising committee established by Chambliss for Senate, the Georgia Republican Party, the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and the Republican National Committee.

Chambliss Victory Committee
425 2nd Street NE
Washington, DC 20002

Any portion of your contribution allocated to the Georgia Republican Party, National Republican Senatorial Committee, or the Republican National Committee will be used in that committee's sole discretion and is not earmarked to any particular candidate.

The first $2,300 from any single individual's contribution shall go to Chambliss for Senate. The next $10,000 from any single individual's contribution shall go to the Georgia Republican Party. The next $28,500 from any single individual's contribution shall go to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. The final $27,000 from any single individual's contribution shall go to the Republican National Committee.

All contributions permissible under the FECA but that would cause a contributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit to a specific committee, shall be reallocated to the other Committee to the extent permitted by the FECA. Any contribution that would otherwise cause a contributor to exceed any applicable Federal contribution limit that is not permissible under the FECA shall be refunded to the contributor. Any contributor may designate his or her contribution to a specific participating Committee, to the extent permissible by the FECA. Any contributor may make his or her contribution payable directly to any of the participating Committees listed in the Preamble to this Notice. Any such designated contribution that causes the contributor to exceed the contribution limit to the designated participating Committee shall not be reallocated by Chambliss Victory Committee absent the prior written p er mission of the contributor as required by law.

Contributions to Chambliss Victory Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. All funds received in response to this solicitation will be subject to federal contribution limits and prohibitions. Individuals should review their personal contribution histories to determine how this contribution may affect their federal individual biennial contribution limit for the 2007-2008 election cycle. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals (without "green cards"), and federal contractors are prohibited. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and employer of each individual who contributes over $200 in an election cycle (for contributions to Chambliss for Senate) or $200 in a calendar year (for contributions to the Georgia Republican Party, the National Republican Senatorial Committ ee, or the Republican National Committee).

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