Sunday, March 21, 2010

Health Care and Term Limits

As many readers know I am a believer in term limits and have said so on this blog several times. The blatant disregard of the will of the majority of citizens regarding healthcare now taking place makes a compelling argument for a constitutional amendment to limit the terms of Congressional Representatives and Senators.Far too many of them worry more about their career jobs than they do about doing what's right.. Consequentially they can be bought or blackmailed or otherwise coerced by the party whips to follow the leader or lose support and meaningful committee asignments.

I spent four days this past week in the Aiken Regional Medical Center due to an emergency. With excellent care from Doctors, nurses and staff I am at home today in good health but alas very poor spirits awaiting the final decision on the Obama adminstration's health care "reform." If, as expected, the White House succeeds in ramming through this abomination I am afraid that in the near future I and many millions of patients with emergency conditions will not be so fortunate.

Our elected officials should be role models for the nation rather than "roll models" who go along to get along. The time has come to join together and demand that a referendum on term limits be held to let the people decide whether or not to amend the constitution. Let the people decide!

The following poem expresses the problem we have with the present system. It was inspired by a similar piece written by Michael Schenkler of the Queens Tribune concerning elections in Queens:

Here, there and everywhere
The Incumbents always win,
Their primary focus is to insure,
That the “ins,” are always in.

It’s of little import what they do,
Their record is of little matter,
They raise the bucks, work the PACs,
Anything to make war chests fatter.

Without fail they make the sale
Name recognition can’t be beat,
With all the funds and paid-for-mail,
It’s always another term repeat.

And so we have it for good or not
With hardly any exception
If an incumbent’s name is on the ballot,
He or she will win election.

You ask how to change the game
Just look hard at all in the race
Study accomplishments not the name
Dare to be bold to select a new face.

I know it is difficult to deny your “friend”
Who every few years solicits your vote
But if our uncritical habits we fail to amend
Our nation soon will be of little note!

So there you have it my friends. Since we do not yet have the term limits I advocate let's show very many incumbents the gate . Our country will surely benefit from  new faces in public places.



  2. The health care debacle taking place tonight underscores the urgent need for term limits, as Dick Smith points out in his blog of 3/21. It is time for these self-serving politicians to be held accountable, and the best way to do that is to send them home. Let's do it in November!!!!

  3. Dear Senator/Congressman (Name Here),

    This is advanced notification of our letter of intent to terminate your current occupation of the seat you hold. As an elected representative of the people of your (State/District) You have failed repeatedly in your duty. You have sworn an oath to serve us (the people), not your party of affiliation. You are bound to the law of the land, as we uphold and defend it with our healthy hearts, wallets, and families. Many have been scammed, and manipulated into a false belief that more government is better. A review of your performance highlights your marginal performance in that regard. Please see your job description for clarification regarding your duties as our Senator/Representativeif you are unsure of exactly what you should be doing in your current office.

    This performance review and and letter of intent has been signed into law by us(the people), the Free Citizens of the United States of America and is just as lawful as the partisan bill you wrangled through against the will of the majority of American Voters. (your employers)

    Best Wishes on finding future gainful employment!

  4. Career politicians are busy passing laws the rest of us have to obey but that they regularly flaunt. And if they think this healthcare bill is so wonderful, why did they exempt themselves and their staffs?


  5. It's noteworthy that this same battle against term limits is taking place worldwide. Here in Egypt, more and more citizens are joining the battle against unlimited Presidential terms (and the possibility of a Presidential dynasty) that a handful of activists began fighting more than two decades ago.

    Few of them realize these issues are prevalent elsewhere, least of all in the United States. My friends are shocked when I tell them that Italy's government isn't much more useful than Egypt's, or that major idiosyncrasies such as career politicians exist in the United States.

    P.S. I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog! I've been skimming yours, and I find it very interesting. Asian Cow Adrift is worth reading, as well, although it's author is currently on a sort of hiatus.
