Monday, August 11, 2008

August 11th City Council Meeting

AIKEN’S 175TH ANNIVERSARY - One of this year’s City Council’s goals is to start the planning for the city’s 175th anniversary which is in December, 2010. The celebration would start in the beginning of 2010 and during the first quarter we would concentrate on our history, horses, health, and high society. In the spring, our concentration would shift to the arts, education, and entertainment. During the summer our business technology and innovation would be highlighted and in the fall we would look at the city’s future as we move towards our 200th anniversary. Our grand finale would conclude on December 19, 2010, the 175th anniversary of Aiken.

RAISED MEDIAN AT WALGREENS – One of the primary reasons, I voted against the new Walgreens on Richland Avenue (which was approved by the Council) is my concern about traffic. At the time of the vote, Council was told that South Carolina Department of Transportation would not approve a raised median which meant that vehicles traveling east on Richland might try to turn left into Walgreens or might try to turn left onto Richland after leaving Walgreens. These kinds of turns would occur too close to the intersection of Richland Avenue and University Parkway. We are now told that SCDOT will permit a raised median which means that there will be a right-in, right-out entry and exit.

STATUS OF DOG PARK – Per the recommendation of City Council, Parks, Recreation, and Tourism staff has met several times with the SPCA President, Barbara Nelson, Recreation Committee Chairman Susan Haslup, and veterinarian Dr. Tray Wofford to discuss the future dog park. The SPCA has recently purchased ten acres of land which adjoins Willow Run Business Park and will build their new facility off of Willow Run Road. They intend to break ground in mid 2009 and have designed a dog park for this location. Based on the fact that the dog park can be started this fall, the committee feels this is the best location. The dog park is over two acres in size and divided for small and large dogs. The city will utilize the budgeted $32,000 for the construction of the dog park. The group has also reviewed rules and regulations from other cities and has determined what the policies will be. These will be posted on signs as you enter.

NON-PARTISAN ELECTIONS – Many of you may be aware that the City has received a letter from the United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division stating that we can conduct our election on September 9, 2008. This special referendum will be to determine whether the City of Aiken’s future elections will continue as partisan or become non-partisan.

AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS – The City of Aiken recently received a $178,053 grant from South Carolina Division of Aeronautics. This along with the $931,000 already received from the federal government will leave local funding at $178,053 to complete work on the Instrument Landing System (ILS). This is the last major improvement and follows past funding for the new terminal, runway expansion and overlay, new fencing, lighting, and drainage. Aiken Airport should help attract the kinds of businesses which will create jobs and further the development of the North side area of the City.

MUNICIPAL CUP PRESENTATION – At the Municipal Association of South Carolina Annual Conference held a few weeks ago in Charleston, the City of Aiken received the Municipal Cup Award for innovation in training our Public Safety Officers as First Responders allowing them to administer life saving care. At Monday’s Council Meeting, Mayor Fred Cavanaugh, who recently completed a year as the President of the Municipal Association, will present the Municipal Cup to our Director of Public Safety, Pete Frommer.

YOUTH CHAMPIONSHIP – Also at Monday’s meeting, we will recognize the City of Aiken’s 12 & Under All-Star team which recently won the South Carolina State Championship. They now advance to the Cal Ripken Regional Championship in Mathews, NC.

DOWNTOWN PARKING REVISIONS – The Parking Committee is recommending two changes to the Downtown Parking rules. The first is to allow all-day parking in the median on Richland Avenue, between Laurens and Newberry. This should remove some of the parked cars from Newberry Street and open up additional spaces. The second suggestion is to consider requesting the highway department to allow angle parking in the eastbound direction of Park Avenue from Laurens to Chesterfield. This would require changing the road from two lanes to one lane with the angle parking being on the median side only. This would create approximately 20 additional spaces and allow city employees and others to use this area. If you have issues with the downtown parking rules, now is the time to let the Council know your views.

REPLACEMENT OF FOUNTAIN ON NEWBERRY STREET – We will also discuss replacement of the fountain on Newberry Street. Staff will present several options for consideration. If you have ideas, please let me know.

Posted by Dick Dewar


  1. Dick,
    I do not agree with the plan to convert Park Avenue to one lane (with diagonal parking). What's next? Are we going to convert the parkways into parking lots? Hope you agree.

  2. I opposed the diagonal parking recommendation at the meeting and will continue to oppose the idea.
